Diseases start from heart, from mind, from the conception of the world and from mental imbalance. A suppression of feelings, emotions and inner feelings lead in time to the accumulation of stress, frustration, negative and pessimistic thoughts, all this leads to physical and mental illness. Strong emotional conflicts, causes, where are accumulated and amplified over time, chronic and serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, various tumors, autoimmune diseases, etc.. These are just some of the diseases caused by imbalance between soul and mind.
We propose to start an education of the soul, mind and body!


Black Item Key Stem Cell Immunity And Regeneration

Who would think that a few days of fasting, without food, held twice a year, could raise the immune system to highs? Well, researchers at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, believes that periodic fasting, 2-4 days in a row, not only protects the immune system, but it also enables them to regenerate, especially in patients who are immune-compromised already.

The effects of fasting on mice and humans confirm this: when food is lacking, the number of white cells in the body decreases explanation immunity eventually return as a fresh wave of immune cells, which replace the old ones.

Nobody expected such a result due to a prolonged post 2-4 consecutive days. When you starve yourself, the system tries to save energy, and it can do by recycling many immune cells that are no longer vital body - the old, damaged.

Therefore, fasting helps, especially patients with weakened immunity due to chemotherapy treatment, proving that he can help for those who suffer from autoimmune diseases. Somehow immune cell renewal by post help people suffering from so-called "incurable medical diseases". Fasting forces your body to get rid of glucose, fat and ketone, and white cells - it can be seen as a method of detoxifying and renewing the immune system.

Thus, it detoxification, say, help stem cells to go in regeneration mode to recreate the system, which is incredible. In short, if you have a weakened immune system or treatment of various diseases, black station generates practically a new immune system.

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