Diseases start from heart, from mind, from the conception of the world and from mental imbalance. A suppression of feelings, emotions and inner feelings lead in time to the accumulation of stress, frustration, negative and pessimistic thoughts, all this leads to physical and mental illness. Strong emotional conflicts, causes, where are accumulated and amplified over time, chronic and serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, various tumors, autoimmune diseases, etc.. These are just some of the diseases caused by imbalance between soul and mind.
We propose to start an education of the soul, mind and body!


See The Best Foods That Ward Off Stress, Forever!

Stress becomes a problem becoming more serious of all people. Few know that miracle solution lies in eating certain foods as follows in the list below:


Oranges are not only healthy and delicious snack, but are very rich in vitamin C. It has been found that vitamin C reduces stress and blood pressure normalizes after a tense moment of the day.


Concentrate in antioxidants, blueberries directly attack the stress. Like oranges, they are rich in vitamin C, helping to reduce stress and possible accumulation colds.


A vegetable that can be successfully included in any diet that helps reduce stress is asparagus. It is rich in folic acid and helps boost mood.


On the other hand, to reduce blood pressure is recommended adequate intake of potassium, it can be found in avocado. Unsaturated fats and potassium in avocados help lower blood pressure and stress removal.


Serotonin and melatonin, responsible for regulating mood and health, found in sushi. It also provides the ideal ratio Roll rice protein - carbohydrates, the body feeling full of energy.

TOP 5 Best Foods Before You Go To The Gym!

In principle, around 70 percent of the energy required to do sports or go to the gym should come from carbohydrates. But watch carefully, you eat before exercises and most suitable food is oatmeal, vegetables and sweet potatoes, which has a lower glycemic. Find below the top ten best foods to eat before going to the gym.

1. Roasted nuts and seeds

There is a very popular recipe and appreciated by athletes and sports lovers. In recent years he appeared in a lot of magazines. It is a combination of nuts, cashews and sunflower seeds, fried in a little olive oil slightly with cinnamon, a pinch pepper, sea salt and maple syrup. In the end, as desired, add some dried fruit. Virtually all the ingredients are easy enough to find us, and the recipe is not difficult. The results are extraordinary, but for the body, serving very rich in calories and fats. It is not indicated if you want to lose weight, but if you do sport seriously and burn more calories, this recipe works wonders. Eat about one hour, two hours before going to the gym.

2.  Almond Butter

Almond butter is one of the secrets athletes. It contains more protein and healthy monounsaturated fats. Vitamin E, potassium, iron, calcium and phosphorus, all found in almond butter. In addition, it is pretty easy to make, so do not go through complex industrial processes and does not need too many additives. Try to eat bread with almond butter, one hour, maybe two before doing sports. Suitable for both muscle mass and for endurance.

3.  Chocolate Shake

It is very tasty and gives you an immediate boost of caffeine. So you can prepare at home, but found and bought, ready. In both cases contains caffeine, a substance that increases the body and enhances endurance performance. Depending on the amount of caffeine, the effects can last from a few tens of seconds to tens of minutes without deleteriously affecting the body. In this food brings a caffeine boost, while bringing chocolate body proteins needed a sustained effort. It is very easy to digest, so drink half an hour before sport.

4.  Energy Bars

No wonder they say so. They were invented for a reason and the truth is that they do their job very well. But do not rush to find any energy bar market, looking for some quality, especially those from stores with sports profile. Dark chocolate, cereals and dried fruits are very healthy and full of protein and minerals. If you are passionate, it is even advisable to try to prepare them yourselves, home is easier than it looks at first glance like crazy and to find recipes on the Internet. Eat energy bars 30 minutes, an hour before sport. They indicated both endurance exercise and strength Exercise appliances.

5.  Oatmeal

Carefully select some oatmeal as little processed. It is quite easy to find in supermarkets and hypermarkets and are indicated because it contains carbohydrates and proteins, rather than a low-fat and carbohydrate. It is advisable to eat oatmeal with about an hour, an hour and a half before going to the gym. It will increase endurance and provide more energy. For flavor, try adding honey.

TOP 10 Things You Should Know About Headaches!

Who has not experienced at least once with a headache? Stronger or weaker, rare or frequent headaches I can turn it upside down. This is the most unusual or inconvenient factors causing headaches:

1.  Dehydration

The human body is composed of 65% of water. Dehydration occurs as a result of excessive loss of body water and electrolyte loss and includes essential minerals. Dehydration may represent an important cause headaches, especially considering the fact that most people define it wrong, necessarily associating it with high temperatures and thirst. Besides headaches, dehydration is accompanied by symptoms such as muscle weakness, tiredness, excessive thirst, feeling confused, etc.

2.  Hormone Headaches

Headaches in women are often associated with hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle such as, pregnancy or menopause. Sometimes these headaches can be triggered and medicinal substances which produce hormonal changes such as birth control pills.

3.  Flashing lights

Migraine is a chronic disease, not just a simple headache. It is triggered by stress, fatigue, weather (poi, fog, decreased atmospheric pressure), flashing lights.

4.  Lightning

Lightning can cause unbearable headaches, especially in people who suffer from migraines. Electromagnetic waves emitted by lightning can trigger headaches. It seems that these meteorological phenomena lead to higher ozone levels, a gas at low altitudes and pollutant that causes the release of fungal spores that can cause migraines. Following an expert concluded that the headaches and migraines occur more frequently with 30 percent in the days when there is lightning. It was also observed that the risk of migraines one day the lightning rise by 19 percent compared to a normal day. The finding suggests that lightning is directly associated with the occurrence of headaches. However, for the moment, it is unknown exactly how that lightning and / or meteorological factors associated with these causes headaches.

5.  Strong Perfumes

Perfume and strong odors even if you like migraines can lead to problems. This mechanism is explained by the fact that the nasal mucosa transmit nerve impulses to the brain where pain is formed. Try to identify odors that are harmful and your home or office delivery of any odors.

6.  Red Wine and Cheese

Tyramine is found in alcoholic drinks, especially red wine. In addition, alcohol stimulates blood circulation in the brain, which makes it even more intense pain.

Older or mature cheese is another cause headache surprising. Gorgonzola, Brie or cheddar are the main types that affect the brain. The cause is a chemical tyramine, which forms when protein decomposition. The more a food is older, the mold contains tyramine.

7.  Atmospheric Pressure

We should not be surprised if sudden changes in weather give us headaches, dizziness or irritability. Moreover, they can create depressive us. Experts warn that atmospheric influences consequential effects psychic balance. They react with irritability, headache, discomfort and depressive tendencies. The gray sky, bacovian, and fog are sources of anxiety, depression and melancholy. Take advantage of sunny days, because light is a means to combat depression.

8.  Stress

It is a nervous strain which may cause pulsating pain in the head and neck. Pain worries him most affected, causing a new state of stress, which accentuates the pain. Who aware state of stress can fight it alone.

9.  Processed Meat

Processed meat it contains tyramine, food additives and nitrates that trigger headaches. Usually these substances increase blood flow in the brain and triggers pain they feel on both sides of the head.

10.  Inactivity - "weekend migraine"

Most migraines caused by the inactivity manifests weekend. Such pain may be the result of cumulative factors were working during the week -stress, insufficient sleep, omitting serving meals - trigger the relaxation period ahead. If you experience such headaches, try to modify your weekend program: spend a number of hours in bed, sleep program more prolonged than the one during the week, lowering the dose of caffeine (e.g. Coffee omission morning), changing time serving breakfast, are major causes of headaches felt at the end of the week.

Tomato Juice Accelerates Quicker Elimination Of Alcohol

Tomato juice speeds up the elimination of alcohol by the liver, according to a study by some Japanese researchers from two food companies, writes

They presented at a congress of the Japanese Society of Nutrition results of their latest research. The observations are quite startling. In one of the experiments was measured evolution alcohol in a group of volunteers who were given water to drink 50 cl 10 cl payment of shochu, a local alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of 25%. After a few days, they received the same amount of shochu, but accompanied by 50 cl of tomato juice.

It was found that if tomato juice, drink-driving dropped more than an hour (the difference was about 30%) and that on average, the alcohol in the body disappear after five hours total after four hours water and juice tomato.

The elimination rate of alcohol by the liver is basically constant and on each individual (benchmark is 0.15 grams per liter of blood per hour).

In other experiments, the researchers injected mice specific molecules of tomato juice and a small amount of alcohol, noting that the activity of key enzymes produced by the liver has increased.

Observe if it's Japanese research small amounts of alcohol and whoever consuming tomato juice can prevent alcohol still produce harmful effects. After one or two glasses of alcohol, it is advisable to switch to something else and, why not, the tomato juice, ending

What Experts Have Found About Carbonated Drinks?

Some US researchers have discovered the possibility of a link between the presence of genetic markers of a particular product type and risk of obesity carbonated beverages.

In a new study described in The New England Journal of Medicine, in subjects who DNA markers of a certain type, in an amount greater than others, are subject to a higher risk of obesity. In addition, the more they drank several drinks with sweeteners, the rose and the difference between the two groups in terms of risk of obesity.

These markers are nothing new in science, people who were being considered genetically prone to obesity. However, experts held until now little information about how people who have such weight markers in DNA is influenced by several lifestyle factors such as types of food and drink consumed.

"Our data suggest that genetic and environmental factors may have a combined effect on the risk of obesity. In the case of those who already have a high genetic risk, obesity risk could be mitigated by choosing healthier beverages, "said a researcher of the study, Qi Lu, assistant professor at the Harvard School of Public Health.

With each added 10 points to genetic risk score, predisposition to obesity increased by 35 percent in those who ate less than one serving of drinks with sweeteners month, but increased by 59 percent among those who drank one to four servings per month and 235 percent for those who consumed one or two servings a day.

"Our findings point out the need to test some methods of interventions that reduce the intake of sweet drinks and to serve as a means of reducing the risk of obesity and related diseases," the researchers wrote in the issue of September 21 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine.

Sweetened beverages contributes most likely to obesity because they have high levels of calories, but do not satisfy the appetite, which is why, often, people reduce calorie intake from food to compensate those they consume in liquid form.


Recipe That Rush, Cancer! Every Day You Use It!

A recent study shows that fast-food products such as French fries, fried chicken and donuts play a significant role in the development of aggressive and dangerous forms of the disease. Although other studies have suggested that a diet containing fried foods may affect the likelihood that a man sick of prostate cancer, this research is the first to highlight the danger that food is fried, writes the Daily Mail quoted by gossip.

The results, published in the journal The Prostate show that the habit of taking snacks consists of fried foods more than once a week increases the risk of developing cancer at a ratio between 30 and 37 percent, compared to situations where this type of food is consumed less than once a month.

The risk of prostate cancer increases with age and genetic elements are linked and men over 50 are more likely to develop a tumor.

Experts from the Center Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research in Seattle analyzed data from two studies involving 1,549 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and 1,492 men age other close to a state of good health.

After the participants, aged between 35 and 74, have completed detailed questionnaires about their eating habits, the experts took into account other factors that might influence the probability of contracting cancer of the prostate: weight, age, history family about the disease and racial context.

They could then identify the level at which consumption of fries, chicken and donuts at least once a week affects cancer risk. According to Dr. Janet Stanford, who led the research, this is the first study that takes into account food fried association with prostate cancer risk.

"The link emerged as limited to the highest level of consumption - defined in our study that more than once a week," Stanford said, adding that this suggests that regularly consumed fried foods confers a high risk development prostate cancer."

While it is not known exactly why products like chicken and fries may increase the risk of cancer, a theory would be that when cooking oil is heated to high temperature required for roasting, components can form potentially carcinogenic food.

This Plant Is A Miracle Of Nature! It Contains 17 Times More Calcium Than Milk!

Moringa oleifera is the world record holder for the highest content of antioxidants. Per gram, it has about 50% more antioxidants than Acai Berries.

Antioxidants contribute greatly to preventing degenerative diseases caused by aging. Moringa has been used in medicine to prevent and treat over 300 different diseases, according The abundance of vitamins and minerals found in Moringa is astounding. This makes many scientists believe that Moringa food is by far the most nutritionally dense ever discovered. It contains over 92 nutrients and antioxidants over 46 and all essential amino acids.

Moringa leaf powder contains:

• 10 times more vitamin A than carrots

• 17 times more calcium than milk

• 15 times more potassium than bananas

• 25 times more iron than spinach

• 9 times more protein than yogurt

• 4 times more fiber than oats

• The 1/2 more vitamin C than oranges - fresh leaves contain 7 times more vitamin C than oranges

author Alina Dumitru, A.M.PRESS

Foods That Should Be Avoided! They Are Deadly Over Time.

Genetically modified foods - no surprise as they enter among the most carcinogenic products, as it turned out that they favor rapid growth of tumors. Unfortunately, they are everywhere, at least in the United States, making it difficult choosing healthy foods.

Processed meat is also considered one of the most dangerous foods, since such products (bacon, salami, sausages, small, etc.) contain harmful additives. Nitrites and nitrates, sodium component of most processed products, increase the risk of developing several types of cancer. If you want to keep meat in the diet, be careful even be unprocessed and preferably from animals feed more natural or BIO.

Microwave popcorn - seems absurd, but popcorn classics are among the most carcinogenic products, but just talking about the microwave. It looks like popcorn bags have hazardous chemicals in its composition, which in the process of "blowing" the popcorn is transmitted to them. In the United States these chemicals are considered responsible for three types of cancer.

Carbonated drinks are also suspected to increase the risk of cancer, in conditions which are full of sugar, chemicals and dyes, ingredients that nourish cancer cells. In fact, caramel coloring used in most cola drinks proven to contribute to cancer development. Diet soft drinks are even more dangerous than usual, in the context in which they are usually sweetened with aspartame, an artificial ingredient considered responsible for a range of ailments.

Refined white flour is a common ingredient in processed foods, although it seems surprisingly high content of carbohydrates increases the risk of illness. A study established a correlation between high intake of refined carbohydrates and breast cancer: risk would be increased by no less than 220% among women.

Refined sugar is enemy number one health civilized world, being responsible for the increasing number of diabetics and cancer while promoting proliferation. Unfortunately, almost any sweet product that we can buy in the supermarket contains glucose syrup or fructose, that refined sugar, which does nothing to help cancer cells grow faster.

Source: doctorulzilei

AMAZING! HIV / AIDS Can Be Cured In Just Two Months! Find Out How It Is Possible ...

A teacher who performs antiviral therapies produced a special medicine to treat HIV / AIDS. Despite doubts about the authenticity of his claims, Maduike Ezeibe Professor at the University of Agriculture, Umudike (MOUAU) of State insisted that only his therapy to cure HIV is real and functional.

Drug discovery, says Ezeibe was an important scientific discovery in search of a cure for global pandemic. He said that after 19 years of hard work, was able to discover it, and the research was eventually published in the British Journal of Medicine & Medical Research. Professor of Veterinary Medicine, who earned his first degree in the same discipline from the University of Nigeria Nsukka in 1986, is master in Medicine and PhD in Medicine Canine ruminants, all a UNN, said MOUAU moved because of lack of love.

According to him, research into treatment known as "Antivirt" (antiviral therapy) dates from 1994 when he accepted the challenge of being part of the solution to global HIV / AIDS disaster in the world do. His work has been published by the American magazine of medicine known as the "Health". Ezeibe said she decided to make public their research to prove everyone who doubted that a black man could develop a treatment for HIV / AIDS as they thought wrong.

Moreover, the experiment remained authentic and verifiable in any corner of the world. According to Ezeibe, in making drug was used two essential minerals aluminum silicate (kaolin) and magnesium silicate. They are found in huge quantities in Umuahia and in different parts of Abijah. This, he says, makes medicine cheaper and more accessible than the old one.

In addition, he argues that drug consumption is needed for 2-3 months to cure the patient of HIV / AIDS.

Source: Celebtricity

Quit Smoking Guaranteed! The Price Is only $ 2 And Operates In 9 Out Of 10 Smokers

If you want to quit smoking you must try this method effective and handy. Millions of smokers have resorted to it and were satisfied with the result.

Place a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of 250 ml water and then stir until completely dissolved bicarbonate is.

Every time you feel the urge to smoke, rinse your mouth with this mixture then swallows it. When you're not home, you can wear this mixture in a bottle and so you can use it anywhere and any time you want to smoke, notes

After first use, the need to light a cigarette will be greatly diminished, and in a few days will disappear altogether.

Because of its amazing properties, baking soda acts as an inhibitor of the desire to smoke, helping the body to eliminate the accumulation of harmful substances that have accumulated during the period in which you smoked.

"Red Gold" - The Most Precious Spice In The World!

Saffron is the most expensive and sought global spice, known as 'red gold'.

With a price of 65 dollars a gram, for best quality, saffron is more expensive than most traded metals in the world, namely gold. Its value has remained constantly high because of intensive harvesting methods being required to raise more than 200,000 delicate saffron threads from about 70,000 saffron flowers.

The hardest known for the cultivation of saffron is Iran, where tradition dates back about 3,500 years. Iran produces about 92% of the 300 tons of saffron performed annually worldwide, thanks to the unique weather conditions ensure a strong aroma of the saffron flower, strong flavored quality is otherwise a characteristic local cuisine, for cosmetics and traditional medicine Iranian origin.

"Red gold properties"

Saffron is one of the most expensive spice, is used against asthma, whooping cough, as an expectorant, insomnia, atherosclerosis, flatulence, depression, Alzheimer's disease and heartburn.

Women can use saffron for treating PMS and menstrual cramps.

Men can use saffron for infertility. Saffron is also used for aphrodisiac effect.

Trade with saffron, in contrast, has become increasingly difficult in recent years because of international sanctions imposed merchants Tehran because the Iranian nuclear program, so many companies and Iranian banks can not access sales markets in Europe, Canada and the US and no financial support from international monetary organizations.

Some Iranian companies have adopted the policy of barter and exchange partners receive the Indian or Chinese consumer goods or food in exchange for saffron.

According to the National Council for Iranian saffron, saffron industry increased by 36% in 2014, and the price of one kilogram of saffron has risen slightly to about $ 2,000 a kilogram of saffron.

If international sanctions imposed on Iran will be high, as was speculated in negotiation rounds P5 + 1 format, the next question will be huge prices because demand is growing. Western companies align alleged tendency to invest in new market and products made from saffron will be highly appreciated. In this scenario, Iranian traders will be rewarded greatly for the flexibility they showed, according to