Diseases start from heart, from mind, from the conception of the world and from mental imbalance. A suppression of feelings, emotions and inner feelings lead in time to the accumulation of stress, frustration, negative and pessimistic thoughts, all this leads to physical and mental illness. Strong emotional conflicts, causes, where are accumulated and amplified over time, chronic and serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, various tumors, autoimmune diseases, etc.. These are just some of the diseases caused by imbalance between soul and mind.
We propose to start an education of the soul, mind and body!


"Red Gold" - The Most Precious Spice In The World!

Saffron is the most expensive and sought global spice, known as 'red gold'.

With a price of 65 dollars a gram, for best quality, saffron is more expensive than most traded metals in the world, namely gold. Its value has remained constantly high because of intensive harvesting methods being required to raise more than 200,000 delicate saffron threads from about 70,000 saffron flowers.

The hardest known for the cultivation of saffron is Iran, where tradition dates back about 3,500 years. Iran produces about 92% of the 300 tons of saffron performed annually worldwide, thanks to the unique weather conditions ensure a strong aroma of the saffron flower, strong flavored quality is otherwise a characteristic local cuisine, for cosmetics and traditional medicine Iranian origin.

"Red gold properties"

Saffron is one of the most expensive spice, is used against asthma, whooping cough, as an expectorant, insomnia, atherosclerosis, flatulence, depression, Alzheimer's disease and heartburn.

Women can use saffron for treating PMS and menstrual cramps.

Men can use saffron for infertility. Saffron is also used for aphrodisiac effect.

Trade with saffron, in contrast, has become increasingly difficult in recent years because of international sanctions imposed merchants Tehran because the Iranian nuclear program, so many companies and Iranian banks can not access sales markets in Europe, Canada and the US and no financial support from international monetary organizations.

Some Iranian companies have adopted the policy of barter and exchange partners receive the Indian or Chinese consumer goods or food in exchange for saffron.

According to the National Council for Iranian saffron, saffron industry increased by 36% in 2014, and the price of one kilogram of saffron has risen slightly to about $ 2,000 a kilogram of saffron.

If international sanctions imposed on Iran will be high, as was speculated in negotiation rounds P5 + 1 format, the next question will be huge prices because demand is growing. Western companies align alleged tendency to invest in new market and products made from saffron will be highly appreciated. In this scenario, Iranian traders will be rewarded greatly for the flexibility they showed, according to

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