Diseases start from heart, from mind, from the conception of the world and from mental imbalance. A suppression of feelings, emotions and inner feelings lead in time to the accumulation of stress, frustration, negative and pessimistic thoughts, all this leads to physical and mental illness. Strong emotional conflicts, causes, where are accumulated and amplified over time, chronic and serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, various tumors, autoimmune diseases, etc.. These are just some of the diseases caused by imbalance between soul and mind.
We propose to start an education of the soul, mind and body!


Recipe That Rush, Cancer! Every Day You Use It!

A recent study shows that fast-food products such as French fries, fried chicken and donuts play a significant role in the development of aggressive and dangerous forms of the disease. Although other studies have suggested that a diet containing fried foods may affect the likelihood that a man sick of prostate cancer, this research is the first to highlight the danger that food is fried, writes the Daily Mail quoted by gossip.

The results, published in the journal The Prostate show that the habit of taking snacks consists of fried foods more than once a week increases the risk of developing cancer at a ratio between 30 and 37 percent, compared to situations where this type of food is consumed less than once a month.

The risk of prostate cancer increases with age and genetic elements are linked and men over 50 are more likely to develop a tumor.

Experts from the Center Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research in Seattle analyzed data from two studies involving 1,549 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and 1,492 men age other close to a state of good health.

After the participants, aged between 35 and 74, have completed detailed questionnaires about their eating habits, the experts took into account other factors that might influence the probability of contracting cancer of the prostate: weight, age, history family about the disease and racial context.

They could then identify the level at which consumption of fries, chicken and donuts at least once a week affects cancer risk. According to Dr. Janet Stanford, who led the research, this is the first study that takes into account food fried association with prostate cancer risk.

"The link emerged as limited to the highest level of consumption - defined in our study that more than once a week," Stanford said, adding that this suggests that regularly consumed fried foods confers a high risk development prostate cancer."

While it is not known exactly why products like chicken and fries may increase the risk of cancer, a theory would be that when cooking oil is heated to high temperature required for roasting, components can form potentially carcinogenic food.

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