Diseases start from heart, from mind, from the conception of the world and from mental imbalance. A suppression of feelings, emotions and inner feelings lead in time to the accumulation of stress, frustration, negative and pessimistic thoughts, all this leads to physical and mental illness. Strong emotional conflicts, causes, where are accumulated and amplified over time, chronic and serious illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, hepatitis, various tumors, autoimmune diseases, etc.. These are just some of the diseases caused by imbalance between soul and mind.
We propose to start an education of the soul, mind and body!


Factors Contributing To Premature Aging Of The Brain: The Lack Of Reading, Socializing And Insufficient Rest

Premature aging of the brain can be prevented if people sleep seven hours the night, reading books instead of watching TV, talking with others and eat healthy, experts say neurologists.

Premature aging of the brain can be prevented if people sleep seven hours the night, reading books instead of watching TV, talking with others and eat healthy, experts say neurologists. Prevention is possible brain aging in healthy individuals. "Prevention is possible brain aging in healthy individuals. There is no single remedy to give us a guarantee that we will grow old brain later. The complexity of life everyone should be adjusted, we must have time to rest, it needs a sleep seven hours the night, to have a cognitive emotionally balanced life, without excessive emotions. Do not plunging fully into an activity that does not involve human interaction, if we only work during the day to email, computer, without dialogue with other people, problems arise.
Also overexposure to technology represents a potential danger.
Then, nutrition is fundamental, we must eat on time and balanced, healthy diet is needed, "an active cognitive activity," working with words, rather than image. "" Let us not abandon in front of the TV, let read a book, to have interactions that bring us to a very good level of disconnection. Interaction, interpersonal communication, not solitude, is very important. "
It was believed that brain aging starts at 60 but there are studies that have significantly reduced this threshold to 45 years. "If we want to slow down the brain îmbătrire care should be taken while the aging body is the way in which aging brain. There are many factors that can cause early brain aging, such as hypertension, diabetes, physical inactivity, obesity, smoking, heavy drinking, intellectual overwork, stress. " Among the "warning signs" that indicate early brain aging disorders are frequent memory, lack of concentration and attention, feeling exhausted and slipping into depression.

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